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HUMANS ARE MADE OF MATTER. But underneath all of our protoplasm and atoms is the quantum nothingness of fields. Our bodies are also rational since they are defined by the rational sciences of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. Therefore, the fields of "nothing" that underlie us must likewise be rational. Something that is physically nothing (fields), and yet rational, is exactly what intelligence, thought, and mind are. Therefore, as incredible as it may sound, the most scientific thing we can say about who we are at the fundamental level is that we are thought.

A thought, or an out of body experience, is not constrained by any of the physical constraints of the material world. A thought is timeless, eternal, and without limit in its creative potential. If we are fundamentally the nothing (in a physical sense) of thought, then one could expect, as is the case with an out of body experience, that there might be evidence of our ability to break out of the physical shell restricting us to these four dimensions. There is.

Near Death Experiences (NDE)
People who are revived after being clinically dead sometimes report a conscious journey outside the body. About one in twenty Americans claim to have had a NDE. Over 50% of those who have a cardiac arrest have such an experience. For some unexplained reason, children often increase IQ scores to over 200 after a NDE. There are NDE accounts throughout history. In many cultures, religious beliefs and oral traditions are influenced by the NDE phenomenon. Testifying to the reality of this phenomenon is the fact that people who have claimed to have experienced a NDE are often profoundly changed.

Such individuals are happier, easier going, less concerned with material possessions, no longer fear death, and their capacity for selfless love expands enormously. (See Resource Section for documentation and further research on this and all the following evidence.)

Nearing Death Awareness (NDA)
A person about to die, or others who know him or her, may sense the imminence of death.

Out of Body Experience (OBE)
Some people claim to be able to enter a trance-like state and then travel with a non-material body into other dimensions.

People, who have been blind with no light perception for years, can accurately describe what they see in both the physical and nonphysical worlds during an OBE. One person described a five-digit number on a piece of paper that could only have been seen if she were floating in an out of body state. After a heart attack, 26 of 32 patients reported an OBE and gave accurate descriptions of events in the hospital which occurred while they were unconscious.

In a random survey, 339 out of 420 people claimed to have had an OBE. Of all societies studied, 437 of them (89%) have some tradition of OBE's. Skulls of children have been found with trepanned holes, a practice used to attempt to facilitate OBE's, astral sorties, and mediumship. Aldous Huxley, Goethe, D. H. Lawrence, Strindberg, and Jack London all reported such experiences.

Changes in brain waves have been measured during an OBE. OBE abilities can be learned and there are many teachers and opportunities. (See OBE in Resource Section.) The reason we cannot readily have OBE's is due to the governing effect of our physically restrained bodies and brains.

To understand and feel keenly the mental limitation that prevents an OBE, try to quiet the mind so that there is no thought. Go to the place - the space in time - in between your thoughts and try to stay there. You will find it nearly impossible. Even trying to hold a thought is a frustrating challenge.

For example, close your eyes and slowly think about every part of your body, one bit at a time, from the tips of your toes up. Start at the bottom of your feet and work your way up surveying every inch with your mind. Go very slowly and thoroughly. Take several minutes to survey your feet, several minutes on the ankle, calf, and shin and so on. It seems a simple task, but is incredibly difficult without training. You will be amazed at how easily you lose control. Just getting past the ankles proves difficult because the mind drifts to the ankle injury you had when hiking, which reminds you of the trip, the problem with the kids, running out of gas, or the bear you saw. Wait, what does the bear have to do with the next step up on your leg you're supposed to be thinking about? Now you have to go back to the toes and start over. Give it a try. You will see how undisciplined the mind is and why it is so difficult to go to that place in the mind where an OBE is possible.

Accounts of extraterrestrial creatures that have mastered time, dimensional travel, and invisibility, if true, would argue for realities beyond our own. Thousands of people now claim to have been abducted by ET's (The billions of people who believe in God, in effect believe in an ET [no sacrilege intended]). UFOs may be possible too. The fact that there are hoaxes and unanswered questions - nobody has explained (to my satisfaction, anyway) why creatures and craft capable of inter-dimensional or interstellar travel haven't figured out how not to crash once they get to Earth (Roswell, for example) - does not deny that there may be true accounts as well.

The idea that we may be more than mere flesh and blood is usually accompanied only by excitement and hope. But belief should have little to do with excitement and hope and everything to do with evidence and reason. As we have seen, not only do science and reason provide a basis for the understanding that we are fundamentally other than matter, there is empirical and testimonial evidence as well.

Perhaps some of the most compelling evidence is provided by creatures who do not share our ability to twist the facts or be led by emotional desires and hope. Let's examine their testimony.